Kamis, 18 November 2010

The Case of Claimmer Pendet's Dance by Malaysia

Malaysia re-claim the cultural richness of Indonesia. To dance only, this is the fourth case, after the "Plate Dance" from West Sumatra, "Dance Reog Ponorogo" from East Java and "Kuda Lumping Dance" is also from East Java. "Pendet" of Bali is claimed to be a Malaysian tourism advertisements. But this situation is very unfortunate middle of a number of government officials busy blaming each other or defend themselves, but nobody does a real step.
House Party attacked the government with arguments "do not register the intellectual property rights" and "do no inventory data Indonesian culture." Member of Commission I Yusron Ihza Mahendra overreact even to ask the government to take a firm stance to ask the Ambassador of Malaysia to return home to Malaysia's claim on the relevant country Pendet.
Meanwhile, the busy executive to defend themselves. Minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik Malaysia strongly condemned the action and sent a letter of reprimand loudly and calling Malaysian Ambassador to Indonesia. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) became a spokesman for Malaysia's busy by issuing a plea to people not be provoked by this issue.

Is mugginess community on this issue too much? Of course not. Pendet story is just a continuation of previous stories. There have been many Indonesian cultural riches are stolen, claimed or patented by other countries, such as Adidas Batik, Sambal Balido, Tempe, The play Ilagaligo, Carving Jepara, Toraja Coffee, Coffee Aceh, Reog Ponorogo, Lagu Rasa Sayang Sayange, and so forth. More relevant question is "what should we do so this does not happen again."
What we need now is not the attitude of blaming each other or just self-defense, but a real step.
On the one hand I was so disappointed with the government's efforts. But on the other hand, I was impressed with the efforts of young people who continually strive to prevent this to keep happening. They (the Indonesian Archipelago Culture Initiatives or IACI) has done something. Friends can see their efforts at the site http://budaya- Indonesia. org /. They perform the data collection process in the Indonesian culture sites. In addition, they also seek legal protection measures for cultural richness of Indonesia.
I am personally very appreciative with the concrete steps. Moreover, I appeal to colleagues to help all these young people struggle for a story Batik, Sambal Balido, Tempe, The play Ilagaligo, and others did not return repeated.
At least there are 2 assistance we can give to these struggles:
1. support the efforts of the Indonesian cultural protection laws. Fellow countrymen and compatriots who have a concern (whether bantuian ideas, energy and donations) in this section, please menggubungi IACI at email: office @-Indonesian culture. org
2. Support the data collection process richness of Indonesian culture. Legal protection without good data will not work optimally. So, if my friends has a collection of pictures, songs or videos about the culture of Indonesia, please upload to the site DIGITAL LIBRARY CULTURE OF INDONESIA, with Indonesian http://budaya- address. org / If you have trouble uploading the data, please menggubungi IACI at email: office @-Indonesian culture. org
Now is not the time to blame each other or just self-defense, but doing something real.

1 komentar:

Princess Amalia Hsu mengatakan...

jiayou, go..go.. go Idonesia... go

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